Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ice Kacang

jang jang jang .......

our Ice Kacang....... :P

First, let me introduce Ice Kacang to all of u~

Ice kacang ---> air batu campur in Malay (or ABC in short).

It is sweet in taste and is primarily shaved ice with drizzling with rainbow-hued sugar syrup and a smidgen of evaporated milk. It is a good refreshment in tropic.

Previously, it was only made up of shaved ice and red beans. But nowadays, there are several varieties have been introduced where it generally comes in brighter colors and with different fruit cocktails and dressings.
Besides that attap chee (palm seed), red beans, sweet corn, grass jelly, cubes of agar-agar, aloe vera and cendol may also be added to form the base.

To fulfill the modern customer, there may be durian, chocolate syrup and ice cream topping and also multi-coloured syrup drizzled.

em....yummy! now let me show u the ingredients inside it... :)

c clearly wooo~ i say one time only...


According to the Peanut Institute (2004), peanuts contain the high quality plant protein among the legume or dried bean family. When comparing peanuts to similar foods, peanuts have more protein than any other legume or nut. This is especially important for children, vegetarians and people eating more meatless meals. Apart from that, peanut contains mostly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat where help in lower the blood cholesterol level.


Evaporated milk

It also known as unsweetened condensed milk, where it produced from fresh whole milk with half the water taken out.

Red kidney bean

According to World’s Healthiest Foods (2009), red kidney bean is a good source of soluble fiber that aids in lowering blood cholesterol. And its high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after a meal so it aids for someone who have diabetes, insulin resistance or hypoglycemia.

Ice cream
Ingredient that aids in contributing the mouthful and refreshed feeling; the major component of ice cream, milk fat where induce high calories and high fat food.


Chocolate syrup and multi- colored syrup

high sugar content syrup.
Nata de coco
Chewy, translucent, jelly-like food product produced by the bacterial fermentation of coconut water. It consists of high dietary fiber and low cholesterol content.

************** Done! clear??? **************

It's the time to try it!.... let's go for a trip together with the Ice kacang....

The transformation of the macronutrients carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in food to energy, and other physiological processes are parts of the metabolic process.

Figure 1: Interaction relationship of carbohydrate, protein and fat intake.

Carbohydrate Metabolism

Carbohydrate metabolism is the breakdown of carbohydrates into smaller units. Carbohydrates are source of energy (Williams & Wilkins, 2008). Carbohydrate metabolism takes place in mouth and stomach with the digestive enzyme.

According to the B.Braun (2009), the most important carbohydrate that involved in the metabolism is glucose. Glucose is the essential energy source for the brain, erythrocytes and renal medulla. Other than that, glucose plays in key role as fuel for muscular tissue, intestinal tissue, heart, liver and kidneys.

Ensminger (1994) said, followed with the digestion and absorption, carbohydrates may be:
  • served as immediate energy needs of tissue cells
  • converted to glycogen via glycogenesis, and stored in the liver and muscle for later energy used.
    ** Glycogen storage and release are controlled by the hormones glucagon, insulin, and epinephrine.
  • converted to fat if in excess; stored in adipose tissue as a larger reserve for energy.

Metabolism of one molecules of glucose is able to yield 36 molecules of ATP. Our body may digest the intake carbohydrates via glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron transport chain to generate energy needs. On the other hand, the excess dietary carbohydrate is not readily converted to fat, it encourages the accumulation of dietary fat in body fat stores, instead of shifting the body’s selection fuels (Insel et al, 2005).

Protein Metabolism
Digestion breaks down protein to amino acids. Protein metabolism takes place in stomach. Amino acids form the cellular structural elements; act as biochemical catalyst and play key role in the regulators of gene expression. Amino acids are deaminated to carbon skeleton, via glycolysis, pyruvate is formed and converted to acetyl-coA. It undergoes Krebs cycle to oxidation, producing ATP. If amino acids in excess, they are metabolized to glycogen or fat.

Lipid Metabolism

Lipid metabolism takes place in stomach by lipase; in small intestine, it encounters with biles to undergo emulsification. Digestion of emulsified fat is carried on by pancreatic and intestinal lipase to produce monoglycerides, glycerol and fatty acids. Lipids are metabolized to fatty acids, which can be converted and being used in Krebs cycle to generate energy.


after taste the sweet sweet n cold cold ice kacang, do u know what it 'contributes' to us???

heihei.... let me tell u~~~

There are some nutritious components in Ice kacang, such as, red kidney bean, peanut and evaporated milk. However, they are in small amount.

Major component of Ice kacang is syrup, high sucrose content.


!! High intake of sucrose

  • Syrup used in the Ice Kacang is high sucrose content. Sucrose is almost entirely pure carbohydrate with a negligible vitamin and mineral content.
  • It may contribute to the development of dental caries or tooth decay, in which oral bacteria convert sugars (including sucrose) from food into acids that attack tooth enamel.

  • The benefit nutrients may be displaced by the sucrose intake, which may increase risk for chronic disease, such as, development of obesity and insulin resistance.
  • Sucrose provides quick source of energy to body and spurting a rapid rise in blood glucose. So, it may cause problems to those who suffering from defects of carbohydrate metabolism, e.g. diabetes mellitus.

!! High calories

For our Ice kacang, it is served with the ice cream. In fact, all the ingredients have contributed to the calories.

Table1: Amount of energy contributed by nutrients.

Ice cream contributes high amount of energy and calories.

Walamak! soooo many problem wor~~~ still can eat?


dun worry about tht! we hv make some changes on it!

c~ it will be more nutritious and healthier~ u can take a try. ^^

Our secret recipe...... ^@^

Table2: Modified Ingredients of Ice kacang

Looks nice! u wanna try?

if needed, u may contact us... i help u call delivery ah~ :P

-Reference List

Prepared by,

Heng Pei Ying 1000716388

Goh Yee Wei 1000716447

~ Reference List ~


-B.Braun Melsungen AG. 2009. [Online] Available from: []. Retrieved on 24th Feb 2009.

-Ensminger, Audrey. 1994. Foods & Nutrition Encyclopedia. CRC Press. Pg 339

-FAQ. 2008. Metabolism. [Online] Available from: <>. Retrieved on: 22nd Feb 2009.

-Insel,Paul M., Turner,R.Elaine, Ross,Don. 2005. Discovering Nutrition. Jones & Bartlett. Pg 260, 261.

-Peanut Institute. 2004. Nutritional basis [Online] Available from: <> Retrieved on 20th Feb 2009.

-The World’s Healthiest foods. 2009. Kidney Bean [Online] Available from : <> Retrieved on 20th Feb 2009.

-Williams & Wilkins, Lippincott. 2008. Professional Guide to Diseases, Ninth Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Pg543.